ending the silence

ending the

Through our


At End Campus Silence, we believe in the power of sharing stories to bring about change and justice. We are dedicated to raising awareness about the inadequacy of university responses to discrimination, harassment, abuse, and/or misconduct allegations.

Universities often completely fail in their duty to safeguard, ignore the issues, and/or even play an active role in perpetuating the mistreatment.

Your experiences matter, and your voice deserves to be heard. By sharing your story, you can contribute to a collective effort to hold institutions accountable and create a safer, more inclusive environment for all.

Submit a testimony
University of Birmingham

Couldn't ban a sexual assaulter from a society due to guild rules. Another person was assaulted by a phd student and he threatened her with legal action when she tried to complain and warn people

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University of Sunderland

The university automatically assumed I was guilty, failed to undertake a full and proper investigation, ignored key evidence, and basically the entire process was biased against me as the male, and biased in favour of the female accuser

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Bath Spa University

In yr1 two girls were sexually assaulted by the same guy. They allowed him to stay at uni and one of the girls committed suicide because of it

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Submit a testimony

Your voice matters, and your story is a crucial part of our collective effort to end the mishandling of discrimination, harassment, abuse, and/or misconduct allegations, in universities.

Your testimony provides invaluable insight into the challenges faced by survivors, the accused, witnesses, advocates, family members, friends, and all stakeholders involved. It contributes to the growing body of evidence that change is not only necessary but urgent. By sharing your experience, you help us advocate for stronger policies, increased support services, and a safer environment for all.

Your privacy is paramount, and we are dedicated to maintaining your confidentiality. Together, we can ensure that the voices of survivors, the accused and advocates are heard, and that we continue our mission to create a more just and equitable educational experience. Share your story with us today and be a part of the change we're striving to achieve.

Please note: please do not include any identifying details in your testimony. All testimonies will be reviewed prior to publishing on the End Campus Silence website.

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Why sharing your story matters

Raise Awareness

Your story can help raise awareness about the challenges survivors and witnesses face in their pursuit of justice and support, building the case for immediate legislative change


Sharing your experience can hold universities accountable for their actions, promoting safer campus environments


Your testimony can offer support and solidarity to others who may be going through similar experiences

Sign the petition

Your signature is a declaration of solidarity, a demand for justice, and a plea for accountability. Each name added to our petition strengthens our collective voice, making it harder for institutions to ignore the urgent need for reform.